Communicate with Therapist Bot Using Digi XBee Cellular and XCTU

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. Assemble the Parts
  3. Communicate with ELIZA
  4. Your First Counselling Session
  5. Accessing Other Servers

1) Introduction

XCTU is a free multi-platform application designed to enable developers to interact with Digi RF modules through a simple-to-use graphical interface. By using XCTU and the Digi XBee cellular, you can connect to many servers such as the ELIZA Therapist Bot, Echo, and Daytime. In XCTU you can directly communicate with radio modules using the AT console. All the data you send through the serial interface is queued for transmission by the module, and all the data received by the module is sent through the serial interface. To communicate between devices in the console, you can use the AT Console Log which displays all sent (blue) and received (red) data characters. Using the Digi Xbee Cellular Modem and XCTU, you can chat with the ELIZA Therapist Bot. ELIZA is an artificial intelligence (AI) bot that emulates a therapist and can perform simple conversations. Every conversation with ELIZA can be viewed through the XCTU Console Log. In this example, we will provide step by step instructions on how to connect to the ELIZA server.

2) Assemble the Parts

3) Communicate with ELIZA

Follow the instructions below to connect your XBee Cellular module with the ELIZA server. Note: The following instructions assume that you have downloaded XCTU and your XBee Cellular device is setup correctly. To download XCTU click here. For instructions on setting up your XBee Cellular device click here.
  1. Open XCTU and click the Configuration Working Mode
  2. Select a device from the Radio Modules list. XCTU displays the current firmware settings for that device.  
  3. On the configuration toolbar, click the Default button to load the default values established by the firmware, and click Yes to confirm.
  4. Factory settings are loaded but not written to the device. To write them, click the Write button on the toolbar.
  5. To switch to TCP communication, in the IP field, select 1 and click the Write button.
  6. To enter the destination address of the ELIZA Therapist Bot, in the DL field, type and click the Write button.
  7. To enter the destination IP port number, in the DE field, type 2328 and click the Write button.
  8. Click the Consoles Working Mode button on the toolbar to open a serial console to the device. For instructions on using the console click here.
  9. Click the Open button to open a serial connection to the device.

4) Your First Counselling Session

You’re all ready to talk to Eliza! Type in the left pane of the Console Log and Eliza will quickly send a response. See the example conversation below. Console Log
The right-hand side of the window shows the corresponding hexadecimal values for all sent and received messages. To hide this pane, click the Hide Hexadecimal View button.

5) Accessing Other Servers

To learn more about connecting to servers using XCTU and Digi XBee Cellular click here.
Tags: XCTU