Meet the latest Digi industrial router solution, purpose built for data-intensive applications at the edge including Industry 4.0, manufacturing, utilities, SCADA, DERMS and predictive maintenance.

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Introducing the Digi IX40 5G Industrial Edge Computing Solution for Automation and Control

Feb 12, 2024 | Length: 2:33

Meet the latest Digi industrial router solution, purpose built for data-intensive applications at the edge including Industry 4.0, manufacturing, utilities, SCADA, DERMS and predictive maintenance.

Digi IX40 is here. This high-performance 5G cellular router solution supports near real-time communications at the edge for the most data-intensive applications. Optimized for edge computing and the fastest network connectivity available today, this industrial IoT solution is secure, always on and integrates Digi Remote Manager® for remote configuration, monitoring and control.

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